Trails are open !2024-25 Online membership available HERE now. |
NewsChalet Open Thursday
We had a wonderful turnout for Alan Cashmore day on April 26th. A new chalet sign was presented to Alan and a few people shared their stories.
The picture on the left is with co-founding member Dave Misener. The picture on the right is with current president Bob Miller, and previous president Jeff Frey. |
Volunteers Needed
If you are interested in volunteering at the chalet, please contact Cheri at 709-728-1372
Please Do Not Walk On Trails
The trails are regularly being ruined by walkers. This was observed in recent days, and even though the trails were just groomed this morning, by the time I went skiing this afternoon, I found evidence of more walkers...
The first pic below shows footprints right across the track, the second pic shows that snowshoes were also used on the ski trail (despite having a dedicated snowshoe trail), and the third pic shows why it is a problem to walk on the trails even if you are not right on the track (5" deep holes make for uneven pole placement that can cause injury).
Remember that our groomers volunteer a lot of their time to maintain the trails, and our members pay fees to cover maintenance expenses, so let's all do our part to keep the trails in top shape. Thanks.
The first pic below shows footprints right across the track, the second pic shows that snowshoes were also used on the ski trail (despite having a dedicated snowshoe trail), and the third pic shows why it is a problem to walk on the trails even if you are not right on the track (5" deep holes make for uneven pole placement that can cause injury).
Remember that our groomers volunteer a lot of their time to maintain the trails, and our members pay fees to cover maintenance expenses, so let's all do our part to keep the trails in top shape. Thanks.
We came calling ….and you answered Iroquois Falls !
The recent ice storm caused considerable damage to the Iroquois Falls Cross Country Ski Club trails amounting to nothing short of a disaster. Hundreds of trees were either snapped or toppled over the trails; completely overwhelming the Club’s volunteer force.
In response, the Club executive reached out to the Enterprise for assistance asking for an SOS article to be published in the November 23 edition. Jeff Frey posted a similar note in Facebook.
What followed can only be described as truly remarkable and nothing short of a miracle. Close to 60 people showed up on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday November 26- 28th. Volunteers responded to our call to arms with all manner of equipment (ATVs, snow sleds, chain saws, back-hoe, bombardier caterpillar, and tractor) along with a strong determination to help lift and haul the wood and branches that littered the trails.
By the end of the weekend, two of the four trails ( 1 & 2) were completely done and #3 mostly finished, representing a total of approximately 15 kilometers. The rest of trail #3 was completed during the following week and as of December 3rd trail # 4 is nearing completion.
The effort and determination by both club and non-club members are a testament to the town’s reputation for accomplishing great things when people come together as volunteers.
…Imagine IF !
In recognition of this effort, the Ski Club owes a debt of gratitude to the following people:
Aaron McBride
Gisele Lefebvre
Heiner Kuck
Mike Patrina
Nicole Peever
Edward Nawroski
Miranda Nawroski
Daxton Nawroski
Camden Nawroski
Victor Houde
Dennis Silk
George Lefebvre
Pat Powers
Emily Perras
Alain Lefebvre
Jeff Frey
Dennis Bordin
Craig Ogden
Julia Ogden
Karen Stack
Lindsay Lamothe
Yvan Lamothe
Dr. Bruno for her tasty chili
A great deal of progress was only made possible through the generous use of heavy machinery to clear the worst of the wood piles from the trails. The Club wishes to thank:
Mike Robinson
Gilles Dupuis
Sean Noland
Finally, most of the work fell onto our most prized members - Dave McEwen and Victor Lapierre who tirelessly give so much of their time and effort in maintaining the trails in a condition that’s second to none anywhere and in particular for their dedication and leadership during this very challenging time.
We apologize in advance if we’ve missed anyone. Having work crews dispersed throughout the area coupled with the large turnout made it very difficult to account for everyone.
We also wish to remind everyone that this very special facility is only a few kilometers from Porquis. Registration is now open and membership as easy as a few clicks.
Now – Let It Snow !
The Iroquois Falls Country Ski Club Executive
In response, the Club executive reached out to the Enterprise for assistance asking for an SOS article to be published in the November 23 edition. Jeff Frey posted a similar note in Facebook.
What followed can only be described as truly remarkable and nothing short of a miracle. Close to 60 people showed up on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday November 26- 28th. Volunteers responded to our call to arms with all manner of equipment (ATVs, snow sleds, chain saws, back-hoe, bombardier caterpillar, and tractor) along with a strong determination to help lift and haul the wood and branches that littered the trails.
By the end of the weekend, two of the four trails ( 1 & 2) were completely done and #3 mostly finished, representing a total of approximately 15 kilometers. The rest of trail #3 was completed during the following week and as of December 3rd trail # 4 is nearing completion.
The effort and determination by both club and non-club members are a testament to the town’s reputation for accomplishing great things when people come together as volunteers.
…Imagine IF !
In recognition of this effort, the Ski Club owes a debt of gratitude to the following people:
Aaron McBride
Gisele Lefebvre
Heiner Kuck
Mike Patrina
Nicole Peever
Edward Nawroski
Miranda Nawroski
Daxton Nawroski
Camden Nawroski
Victor Houde
Dennis Silk
George Lefebvre
Pat Powers
Emily Perras
Alain Lefebvre
Jeff Frey
Dennis Bordin
Craig Ogden
Julia Ogden
Karen Stack
Lindsay Lamothe
Yvan Lamothe
Dr. Bruno for her tasty chili
A great deal of progress was only made possible through the generous use of heavy machinery to clear the worst of the wood piles from the trails. The Club wishes to thank:
Mike Robinson
Gilles Dupuis
Sean Noland
Finally, most of the work fell onto our most prized members - Dave McEwen and Victor Lapierre who tirelessly give so much of their time and effort in maintaining the trails in a condition that’s second to none anywhere and in particular for their dedication and leadership during this very challenging time.
We apologize in advance if we’ve missed anyone. Having work crews dispersed throughout the area coupled with the large turnout made it very difficult to account for everyone.
We also wish to remind everyone that this very special facility is only a few kilometers from Porquis. Registration is now open and membership as easy as a few clicks.
Now – Let It Snow !
The Iroquois Falls Country Ski Club Executive